Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I am so overdue in my posting...time to catch up!

Okay well for this post, since I have been SO delinquent in my past weeks I thought I would catch you up on all the hard work we've been putting in and all the fun we've been having. When I say "we", I mean my team. Would you like to meet them? Okay. Here are my mates!  This is all of the students and a few staff running the school here in Maroochydore.
The gentleman with his shirt off, Ethan, just got baptised!
In our family. There are 12 students including myself. 7 are Americans, 2 Canadians, 1 Swiss and 2 Danish. Amongst the staff there are 5 Americans, 1 French and 1 Aussie. We are a melting pot for sure.
For a more personal intro, here are some more pictures.

Christine, (Canadian) is a very skilled songwriter,
 and she will be leading worship for our team on outreach.

Over the past 9 weeks these amazing people have become like family to me. They are my encouragers, challengers, and best mates. Please keep us in your prayers as we embark September 18th to Thailand and India for 2 months.

The dates are off a little. We will be in Thailand Sept 18th-Oct 14th and India Oct 16th-Nov 12th.