Saturday, August 27, 2011

We do not love only those that we know, but we love those whom, to most, are unknown

To bring Kingdom to those who have never experienced the Lord makes my heart rejoice, and I was able to do exactly that!
Three ladies from Cru, who have all just returned from a summer mission trip, had their first opportunity to serve the community tonight. This opportunity did not just reach Las Cruces, but all the way down to Juarez, Mexico!
We were lucky enough to come along side a ministry called "Souls", and help them make sandwiches for their Friday night Outreach. Souls Ministry go down to the Red Light District in Juarez, Mexico to reach out to the prostitues, the homeless and the drug addicts. They pray for these people, share the Gospel with them, give them food and just love on them.
While we were not able to go down to Mexico and be at the front lines, it was such a blessing to us to be able to help in whatever way was needed.

*Please keep the men and women traveling to Mexico in your prayers, pray for protection and anointing on them. 
*Please also pray for the Holy Spirit to be working in the hearts of those they will speak to, so that they may be freed from the bondage Satan has over them and be saved by Jesus' grace.

If you would like more information about this ministry, you can find them at: Souls Ministry

Thursday, August 25, 2011

And We're Off!

School has officially begun, which means meetings, meetings, mettings for us staff. It is really looks like it is going to be a great year. We already have a lot of really cool things planned out, now we just have to get the students on board and get the ball rolling.

Two of our student leaders, Missy and Lance, are heading up a freshman movement, called "Fresh".  Just from one day of tabling we gained 200 freshman contacts interested in knowing more about Christ. Our goal is to get all of them to come to Cru and connect with our freshman students. This past Monday, Fresh had their first get together, it was a free pizza party. The turn out was great, I believe a little more than 20 students showed up. Missy reports that they had great conversations with the students and lots of friendships were established.

Last Thursday was our first Revolve, which is our weekly meeting in Corbett Center. For being the first day back to school, the turn out of students was awesome. We had about 40 students show up. Vince gave a talk about what Godly community looks like vs. broken community, and our need for Jesus to restore community. It was so good, and connected so well with everyone! Robert Frick (my lovely boyfriend) was the stand-in for music. The music was entertaining in the beginning to draw students in, and the meeting concluded with a time of amazing worship. There is nothing more glorifying and powerful to me than a sea of students singing out to their God. The night had God's fingerprints all over it. The Christians students got to connect with God and non-believing students and visitors seemed captivated. My only prayer is that people would break free of their comfort zones. You could see and feel the crowd wanting to stand up, lift their hands and sing out...but they held back, and stayed seated. How much more could the Spirit move if we just let go of our fears and worshipped Jesus with no reservations? That's my hope.

Lastly, we are getting our Bible studies set up and establishing student leaders to lead small groups and missional groups all over campus. We want to see our students loving and doing life with every student around them, especially those completely different from themselves. We look forward to see the growth of our students through discipleship, quite times, evangelism and everyday life.