I LOVE to read and I think there is so much wisdom to be gained by people older and wiser than myself. I am guilty of enjoying the more "controversial" books; I think it is a blessing to have your thoughts provoked, forcing us to question what we believe and why we believe it.
Some I have read
Restored -Neil T. Anderson
The Great Divorce -C.S. Lewis
The Great Divorce -C.S. Lewis
Chasing Daylight -Erwin McMannus
Reformation Through Prophecy -Alwyn Matt
Velvet Elvis -Rob Bell
The Prodigal God -Tim Keller
Becoming a Contagious Christian -Mittelberg, Strobel, Hybels
Mere Christianity -C.S. Lewis
Miracles -C.S. Lewis
Lies Women Believe -Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Redeeming Love -Francine Rivers
Blue Like Jazz -Donald Miller
12 Ordinary Men -John Macarthur
Love Wins -Rob Bell
Sex God -Rob Bell
Crazy Love -Francis Chan
Sex God -Rob Bell
Crazy Love -Francis Chan
What I plan on reading next
I'm looking for some good suggestions.