My apologies for not posting sooner, but I have been sick. I have tried to stay at work for as long as I could, and just tough it out, but I woke up last Wednesday down for the count. I have been sick now for 10 days! I started back to work three days ago, still sniffling and coughing...but my personality will not let me just rest for that long without going crazy. Anyways, enough about me.
Here is what is going on with our students and our ministry. Honestly, there have been ups and downs. I'm not going to use this blog to paint a picture that is all rosy, because it's not. We are in ministry, which means we are dealing with people, and people are messy, sinful and flawed (including myself).
So first with the lows. It is very near the end of the semester, which means students start to "coast". They coast on everything else in life because they are tired, because it is almost Thanksgiving break and then Christmas break and the end of the semester. All that is left to do is finals and then they are done. So why is this frustrating? Because they kind of give up spiritually, or maybe it just drops much lower on their priority totem pole. Our student leaders just aren't pursuing new students at Cru or even non-believers like they were before. Also, last week it seemed like we had hit a wall, when NONE, not one student signed up to do that weekends service project. That was devastating to me! But, God is good... :)
Now for the Highs! This week, we started promoting a service project that will take place the first weekend of December. We only needed three guys and six signed up. Praise the Lord! Our students have become very good at community. We have a constant 50 or more students coming every week to Revolve, and the great thing is, it's not the same 50 every week. The students that attend vary, which is refreshing because the last thing we want is a Christian clique. It is also huge to see new students coming. That means Jesus is ministering to more people than the week before. Also, this last week, Nations (the Native American group within Cru) saw two more of their students come to the Lord. That is a total of five students just within Nations that have given their lives to Christ. We have had Mayra and Dillon accept Jesus as well, so that is seven! We are very excited and expectant to see what God has in store for Dillon's roommate who has been attending Cru and other outside activities.
All in all, it has been a great semester. God has done more than we could have ever imagined, and now there is so much more I want to pursue and see happen in the Spring! Thank you all so much for reading this, for praying for us, and for your support! God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!