Thursday, September 1, 2011

When Seeds Fall On Good Soil

I am so joyful right now, I cannot even fully explain how stoked I am to share this with you!

I have a friend, named Mayra, who I used to work with before I came on staff with Cru. She is my age (mid 20's) and like myself, received her Bachelors Degree at NMSU. Mayra hopes to one day return to NMSU and get her Master's Degree. She is very bright and so sweet; I would dare say that she is the nicest girl I have ever met. In getting to know her, I have come to appreciate her heart even more. While Mayra has attended Catholic and Christian churches before, in Mexico, she is not a believer. We have had wonderful conversations about faith, but that was all they were, casual conversations...until a month ago.

About a month ago, I randomly asked Mayra if she wanted to go to church with me and she said yes. So to church we went, and afterwards she shared that she really liked it. To my surprise she came with me the next week, and the week after. :) Once school had started, I invited Mayra to come to campus Thursday night, to see our Revolve Meeting... so she could see what I do, and why I quit my job. :)  She came to Revolve and was met by many young women so excited to meet her acquaintance. Mayra loved Cru!

Needless to say, the Holy Spirit is so amazing, and has been drawing Mayra to himself all this time. I had NO idea! Last week God completely rocked me. We were eating Greek food after Revolve with a huge group of students, when Mayra turns to me and asks the following questions:
"How do you become a Christian?"
"How do you know when you are saved?"
"If I come to Cru just to get to know God better, and could care less if anyone else was that God calling me?" :)

I tried to pick my jaw up off the floor, and smiled, and prayed silently that God would help me share the Gospel clearly. She listened, took it all in, and said she would think about it more when she reads her new Bible (the one that some Cru girls bought for her earlier that day). I cannot wait to share with you in a couple of days when Mayra excepts the Lord and steps foot into the Kingdom of God. Praise God, for He is so GOOD!

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